meet whitney
Hi, ya'll! My name is Whitney Vaughn. I am the shop owner, designer and creative behind Saved by Grace Co. I'm a mother to a beautiful 17 year old daughter; Aiyana, who gives me so much life and purpose. If you know my story or have been following along, you know that she is my saving grace.
Saved by Grace Co. operates with a small team of family. My daughter, Aiyana is the Packaging Queen. She packages all orders for each of you! My sister, Destiny is the one behind the computer! When you email us or have questions, it's likely you are speaking with her. My partner, Ty is our Home Decor and Wholesale Manager. He carefully makes each of your home decor signs to order, especially for your home!

Did you ever think you could see God in everyday places?
Sometimes, it's hard and I feel so far from Him on given days where things just don't seem to go as planned. In those moments, I encourage myself to be still and pray for God to surround me so that I can stay obedient to His word. In those moments we least expect or in places we never thought we would see Him, the Saved by Grace Co. shop is here to change that. From faith apparel, to home decor - it's my goal to help you to see God in all things.

Saved by Grace Co. didn't just start because I woke up one day and said "I think I want to start a business.". Don't get me wrong, I have for many years had a love for doing my own thing and hopes to start a business one day in the creative realm. Never did I know it would be a business to share God's love. It hasn't even always been that I've been able to hear God speak to me, or that I've been doing this for so long that I know what I'm doing. God is using me, but it's all Him.I haven't always known God, or accepted Him as number one. I used to always think "How could I love someone I don't know?". Growing up in a Christian home and going to church doesn't mean you know Christ or even love him for that matter. I can attest to that. Even still, I don't claim to know it all, to be perfect, or even that I can quote scriptures from Matthew or John. I will even admit that I don't always act in a way that honors God in the midst of my crazy, nonstop life, but God knows I try. One thing I am sure of is that I feel called. Not just a small whisper or little signs here and there, but a longing, a supernatural feeling, no sleeping from waking up from hearing God nudge me, can't stop thinking about it type of calling. It even isn't that God has given me gifts that magically appeared. What He did give me is the heart to try. The heart to trust Him and the heart to learn. The mind to know that things would never come easy and that in order to run His business the way it was intended, I would need to trust Him always. That no matter how discouraged I ever felt, that God said "Whitney, there's room for you, too."Through all of my doubts and fears and when I've said, "Lord, I'm not good enough. There are other creative people out there. I can't do this. I won't have any support. I'll be rejected.", (and the infinite amount of other doubts I've had and still have) He always responds, "People need to hear your testimony, see your creativity and most importantly, see Me in places they never thought I was."

the now
SBG Co. started in October of 2016. Since then, I have seen so much spiritual growth not only in myself, but in the people who have been in my corner since the beginning. In April 2017, God asked me to do something big - quit my full time corporate career that I had worked so hard for. A career that I loved, with people I felt called to know. My financial security and only income. Never in one million/billion years did I ever think I could sell one thing, create one thing that anyone would want, nonetheless make a living working for God. People always say you just need faith as small as a mustard seed. Trust me when I say, that is ALL I had. It's now two years later and God has shown me over and over again that He is in control. That this is not my business. I am merely the face, allowing God to do something through me. I look forward to getting to know you through Saved by Grace Co. and I appreciate you so much for following along.